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electronic wave中文是什么意思

用"electronic wave"造句"electronic wave"怎么读"electronic wave" in a sentence


  • 电子波


  • The molecular electronic wave function is perturbed .
  • The search for accurate electronic wave functions of polyatomic molecules uses mainly the mo method .
  • The search for accurate electronic wave functions of polyatomic molecules uses mainly the mo method
  • We studied the electronic wave packet in a quantized laser field where the electron and the field was treated as a close system
  • Nobody can get away with the invisible , ghostly electronic waves . visual versus virtual ; even the flower can ' t prove anything
  • Now we use one point of view , that is , the spectrum of electronic wave , which is belonged to the energy medicine , to study one case , and this is for your reference
  • Generally , the electron and photons become entangled as the electronic wave packet evolves . if initial photon state is a coherent state and we neglected the transferred photons then the quantized - field calculation is equivalent to the semiclassical calculation
    当初始光子态是相干态,且忽略转移的光子数时,电子与量子场系统之间不存在相关性,这种情况下量子场计算与半经典计算等价;当初始光子态是f 。
  • The results reveal that the observed moir patterns originate from the defects locating several layers below the surface , which presents the first experimental evidence supporting the prediction that in hopg the nanoscale electronic waves can propagate through several layers without obvious decay
  • Some veterans like to adopt special channel for his models , thinking this channel is only one hence not like to ask or tell other people his channles ; in fact in views of wirelss electronic waves , there is no so called " special channel " , mutual interference may occur when similar waves coming together
    有的“老手”特别为自己的模型配上“特殊频道” ,自认为此频率乃独一无二,因此到场不问也不告诉别人自己的频率。其实从无线电波来看,根本没有所谓“特殊频道” ,工业量生产有一就有二,何况相近频率也有可能相互干扰
用"electronic wave"造句  


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